Zubucherreise Georgien+Armenien mit Festterminen

Klare Bergluft, schneebedeckte hohe Gipfel am Rande weiter Hochflächen, tiefe Schluchten, unberührte Natur, größte Biodiversität, der Große und Kleine Kaukasus und natürlich der heilige Berg Ararat. Während der Reise erleben Sie die bekannte Gastfreundlichkeit der Armenier und Georgier.


Reisepreis auf Anfrage
Teilnehmer  ab 4 Personen
Hotel 3* Hotels
Verpflegung Frühstücke
Reiseleitung Deutschsprachig
Reisezeit April - November


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Aragatsotn Region

Aragatsotn Region

Aragatsotn is named after the massive mountain (4095m / 13,435 ft.) that hovers over the northern reaches of Armenia. This region is one of the...

Ararat Region

Ararat Region

Ararat region is named after the biblical Mount Ararat which is mentioned in the Bible as a place where Noah’s ark has landed after the Great...

Armavir Region

Armavir Region

Armavir Region - Because of its Christian history the region is most famous for locals and Diaspora Armenians, who make pilgrimages to Armenia to...

Gegharkunik Region

Gegharkunik Region

Gegharkunik ist die größte Region Armeniens, die an Aserbaidschan und die Shahumyan-Region der Republik Berg-Karabach grenzt. Ein Viertel der...

Kotayk Region

Kotayk Region

Kotayk region is located at the central part of the country and is home to many must-see sites in Armenia including the pagan Temple of Garni...

Lori Region

Lori Region

Lori region is in the northern part of Armenia, bordering on Georgia. It is considered Armenia’s greenest area, with more native forest land than...

Shirak Region

Shirak Region

Shirak region lies in the north-west of Armenia. It borders with Georgia and Turkey. Shirak region is mainly dominated by the Ashotsk Plateau and...

Syunik Region

Syunik Region

Syunik region- It is in the southern part of Armenia, bordering by Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic exclave, the de facto independent...

Tavush Region

Tavush Region

Tavush region lies in the Northeast of Armenia, bordering by Georgia and Azerbaijan. The territory is mainly mountainous and rocky hillsides...

Vayots Dzor Region

Vayots Dzor Region

Vayots Dzor region is mainly a mountainous region at the southeastern end of the country, known with Jermuk Waterfall, Areni cave, Smbataberd...

Yerevan, 2800 years old

Yerevan, 2800 years old

Yerevan city – 2800 years old. Yerevan is the capital of the Republic of Armenia with more than 1 million people. It is an amazing city with view...



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