8 March, 2018 Gegharkunik Region 2916 Views

Sevan City

Territory:                                    1775,7 sq.km
Population:                                 23,361 Persons
Distance from capital/Yerevan:   66 km
Height of above sea level:          1900 m 
The main branch of economy:     industry

The Sevan city is located in the Gegharqunik region on the northwestern shores of Lake Sevan. The town is built at a height of more than 1,925 meters above sea level.
Sevan is surrounded with the Sevan National Park, a natural protected area extending from the northeastern parts of the town to the southwest, while Lake Sevan forms the natural border of the city to the east.

The city was founded as Yelenovka in 1842 to become a Russian-populated village. It was named after Yelena Pavlovna the daughter of Tsar Paul I of Russia. It was known as Yelenovka until 1935 when the town was renamed Sevan after the Lake Sevan. The scholarly consensus is that the word Sevan originated from the Urartian word su(i)n(i)a, usually translated as "lake".

Tourist Attraction
Sevan city is a very popular resort town in Armenia. It is surrounded with the slopes of mountain chains of Areguni, Geghama, Vardenis, Pambak. There are a lot of water resources, environmental and cultural monuments. In the “Sevan” national park the rich fauna and flora, demography and traditions can be seen.

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